- The swimming pool in hongdae, seoul is divided into a public swimming pool, a private swimming pool and a school swimming pool.
- in swimming pools, Swimming cap, swimming glasses required
- Public swimming pools
- Public swimming pools are inexpensive.
- Public swimming pools mainly focus on swimming lessons.
- Some pools are inexpensive because people are attracted to the pool.
- Free swimming time is available for everyone, regardless of the lesson.
- 마포 평생학습 센터 / 마포 도서관 ( Mapogu public library )
- homepage :
- http://mpllc.sen.go.kr/
- https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=sunny98989&logNo=220731798617&proxyReferer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.co.kr%2F
- location
- 100m from exit9. hongdea line2, 15min walk from 2room house.
- free swimming time (자유수영, no lesson, anyone can swim )
- sat. 06:20 07:30 09:00 10:00 11:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
- fee : 4000won
- Remarks :
- public library. people use books, cumputers. people can study. many hobby lesson for people.
- old building then other. primary school student use weekday daytime. leasson for adult is morning and evening.
- 3month lesson fee about 50,000won. a lot of people want to learn. Applicants are selected through lottery.
- no shuttle bus.
- 마포 청소년 수련관
- homepage
- http://www.youthnaroo.or.kr
- location
- mapo-gu-chung line6 (2 stop from hapjung)
- free shuttle bus
- http://www.youthnaroo.or.kr/sub01/sub08.php
- free swimming time (자유수영, no lesson, anyone can swim )
- fee : 4000won
- sat : 15:00~16:50
- sun : 10:00~12:30, 14:00~16:30
- Remarks
- many health programs
- you can join swimming lesson per month 45,000won~70,000won each month
- 마포아트 센터
- homepage
- location
- 10min from exit2, Dahung line6 (3 stop from hapjung)
- free shuttle bus
- http://www.mapoartcenter.or.kr/mapoArt/f/jsp/facilities/shuttle3.jsp
- free swimming time (자유수영, no lesson, anyone can swim )
- fee : 3,000won
- free swimming time : http://www.mapoartcenter.or.kr/mapoArt/f/jsp/sport/pool1.jsp
- Weekday 08:00~8:50, 12:00~12:50,
- Sat 08:00~09:50, 11:00~12:50
- Sun 09:00~10:50, 12:00~13:50
- Remarks
- many art Performances, concerts
- 월드컵경기장 수영장
- homepage
- http://www.sponspa.co.kr/
- https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=lchloveshk&logNo=220024267453&proxyReferer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.co.kr%2F
- location
- 10min from exit1, worldcub stadium line6 (3 stop from hapjung)
- free swimming time (자유수영, no lesson, anyone can swim )
- sat, sun
- 10:00 ~ 12:00, 12:00 ~ 13:00, 13:00 ~ 15:00, 15:00 ~ 16:00, 16:00 ~ 19:30
- Remarks
- Sauna available at the same time
- It is located on the first floor of the World Cup Stadium.
- You can visit the World Cup Stadium with an entrance fee of 1,000 won.
- There is a movie theater and a large mart homeplus.
- The subway has many steps.
- 신석초등학교 스포츠 센터
- homepage
- http://www.ccsports.co.kr/gnuboard4/
- location
- 50m exit5 from sinchon line2
- monthly member ship
- fee : 79,000won per month
- for Swimming classes, free swimming, health
- Remarks
- There is a free swimming every night from 11 to 12 pm. Only members can enter.
- The facilities are clean and the location is good, but there are a lot of members!